FDF's Top Secret Headquarters

Multix II.


version 2.04 (1st April 1998)

In the beginning
there was Tetris,
a little bit later Pentix
and not so long ago Multix.
They were not good enough and
the squares were beaten badly
So they decided
to take a revenge
on the human race.
Download MULTIX II
now (110k, zipped)
and stop them!

  1. System requirements
  2. What is MULTIX?
  3. What is new in MULTIX II?
  4. How to play the game?
  5. MULTIX commands
    1. Main menu
    2. Game commands
  6. Main screen
  7. Problems
  8. Next versions
  9. Multix fans
  10. Credits

System requirements:

386 processor (486DXn or better recommended),
VGA card capable of resolution 320X200 in 256 colors,
DOS operating system (has no more problems with any version of Windows)
Does not work properly under OS/2.
Tetris mode
Pentix mode
Nuttix mode

2. What is MULTIX?

MULTIX is, as you might have guessed from the name itself, a game similar to TETRIS and its derivative PENTIX. TETRIS was just too boring. It was too easy. You could play it for an infinite time and achieve an infinite result, especially if cheating with the TURBO key, and a little mistake caused the score jumping from 32767 to -32768.
PENTIX and some TETRIS clones fixed these two mistakes. In TETRIS the mistakes (creating a hole) could easily be repaired. In PENTIX it was a little bit harder. But for me it just wasn't enough. I am sure there must be lots of players with the same problem. This is the biggest reason I have created MULTIX and NUTTIX.
In TETRIS all the pieces were made of only four squares (tetra=four), in PENTIX they were made of one to five squares (penta=five, x indicates that there are also smaller ones). MULTIX includes all possible pieces made of up to and including six squares so I should have called it HEXIX, but that just sounds terrible. So I added a few even bigger pieces (made of seven, eight, nine and ten squares) and named it MULTIX (multi=many). But it still wasn't enough. So I added another type of game in Multix II: ROC. It is called NUTTIX and is almost impossible to play.
In MULTIX you can MIRROR the pieces vertically, not just rotate and move them, so there are only 60 pieces instead of 93 and it is a BIG help with those huge asymmetric pieces you don't seem to be able to put anywhere TETRIS had 7 pieces (5 with mirror command), PENTIX 27 (22), MULTIX has 60 of them (93 without mirror command), NUTTIX has 75 (and will have even more in the future versions).
The pit has been extended to 36 X 16 squares (this was necessary because of the bigger pieces used in MULTIX).You can also play TETRIS and PENTIX in MULTIX, although they are NOT the same as originals because of the bigger pit and changed scoring.
TETRIS and PENTIX were in text mode and the pieces jumped square by square. MULTIX II. is in graphics mode and it features a smooth falling pixel by pixel. TETRIS used only about ten colors, MULTIX uses 256 and a fast palette rotation. The backgrounds are calculated using some functions of two variables (f(x,y)), represented by color. When the background moves, the effects are unbelievable (use the Background Gallery option in the main menu to test your video card and monitor with these smoothly moving backgrounds).

What is new in MULTIX II.?

How to play the game?

MULTIX is played very much like Tetris. You move, rotate and mirror the pieces until they fit underneath (as well as possible) and then drop them as fast as you can (the faster you can do that, more points you get). A full line of squares (or more of them) is removed from the pit and higher squares fall down, making space for the next pieces. The more lines you fill at the same time, the more points you get. The piece in upright corner is the next piece. It moves a little bit lower and to the middle, when the previous one is dropped. You can still move, rotate and mirror the pieces for a small time after they have been dropped. This enables not only drop&slide but also drop&rotate and drop&mirror.

MULTIX commands

Main menu:
Game commands:
Num lock should be on if you want to play on the numeric keypad.

Main screen

This are the parts of the game screen:


Answers to common problems:
  1. P: MULTIX II is too hard for me.
    A: MULTIX is really hard, but I don't think it is too much for a smart player like you. Just keep practising! If you just can't do it, try playing TETRIS or PENTIX. When you are really good at this, you can gradually start playing MULTIX. Use the new mirror command also in TETRIS and PENTIX, so you will be able to use it wisely in MULTIX, where it is a big help. Play on a lower level if you must. You can increase it later.
  2. P: MULTIX II is too easy.
    A: I don't believe you. If you are playing TETRIS or PENTIX, this only means you should proceed to MULTIX. If you are really playing MULTIX and think it is too easy for you, then try NUTTIX or increasing the speed level. If it's still to easy, let me know. I'll consider a new version of the game.
  3. P: There is too much snow on the screen.
    A: Turn the palette rotation off or buy yourself a better computer with a better graphics card and better monitor.
  4. P: The background is drawn too slow.
    A: Set background coplexity to
  5. P: MULTIX crashes with a message 'Runtime error 203 at xxxx:yyyy'.
    A1: You don't have enough lower (conventional, under 640K) memory. Free it up!
    A2: You played more than (amount of free conventional memory)/352 (around 1000) times without exiting the program. Just don't do that. It is not good for your health anyway.
Please let me know if you have any other problem with MULTIX 2.04.

Next versions

The next versions of MULTIX will probably feature: Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 version will not be made. This version works OK in Windows.
I might translate the entire game in Java someday.
Check this page for the latest version.


Idea, Programming & Design
Marko Kavcic

Assembler programming:
Mitja Krebelj

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MULTIX II: Revenge of the Squares!

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