Multix fans

Multix has fans all over the world. And this is where their mail ends up. If you are a fan and want to tell that to the rest of the world, just click here and send me a message and I'll post it here.

Last update: 6th January, 1998

Ian P. (Eagle) from Dunedin, New Zealand

Hi there, Marko, and thanks for writing to me.  It was great to hear 
from you.

Now, before you scratch your head and doublecheck your Outward Mail 
basket, no, I guess you didn't KNOW you were writing to "me".  Your 
incredible game, and its .DOC file which I've just read fully twice, 
were written for EVERYONE.  But not "everyone" will reply like me!

Gosh, Multix (v2.02) really blows me away.  Over the years I've 
collected over 50 various tetrises (not counting the dozens I've had 
but chucked out) - and tonight I went searching for more on the 

Well, I now have about ANOTHER 50, which will take me WEEKS to 
carefully check through, tidy up, catalog, play , and install 
on my 386dx40 here.  As I go through I find many absolute "junk" 
ones, some going back to the 80s, ranging right up to SUPERB ones.

And yours must definitely be in that latter category.  Gosh, the 
graphics of course are breathtaking, but I always say it's the actual 
PLAY that counts.  Well, that's simply excellent too, as is the 
documentation.  I'm truly amazed (and that doesn't happen often!).
You've done a fantastic job.  :-)

I really enjoyed reading all your DOC file, and thank you for 
including a little personal information about yourself.   I'm 51, 
retired and/or unemployed, and spend most of my time "playing" on my 
386dx40.  I used to be a professional programmer, and analyst, since 
1966 (back when our machine filled a large room, and had a massive 
96K of RAM!!).

I really look forward to spending a 
large part of 1998 trying to master all the different modes of 
Multix.  THANK YOU again, Marko.    :-)
This is a part of Ian's rereply to his message.
Well I've had some years on BBSes, dragging in zillions of games, 
utilities etc, but never really having any sort of access to their 
creators (apart from snail [yuk!] mail).  But now at last (for 6 
months or so) I'm on the Internet, and find it's just so easy to 
correspond.  Not for everything by any means, but just occasionally 
when I come across something I really feel is "special".

And in my view Multix IS "special".  A work of art, and beautiful 
craftsmanship - a joy to behold (and to PLAY!).  As I guess I've 
said, I'm very very grateful to you, and others like you, for 
providing such absorbing and intelligent programs - and offering them 
freely.  I simply can't understand the motivation behind such 
offerings, but I'm certainly not complaining.

> By the time you master the Multix, I might make a new version.

Hahaha, are you joking ?  I'll NEVER "master" it - that's what I love 
about good games - there seems no limit to how long one can continue 
improving one's scores.  (But I must admit, I DO get a bit "tired" of 
any game after a while).

By the way, I took Multix to my daughter's on Christmas day, and we 
hardly saw her for the rest of the afternoon.  SHE knows quality when 
she sees it, too!  (Both my daughters - 20 and 18 - are mad tetris 
freaks like me).

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