Sperm Whale

reg. Animalia
subreg. Eumetazoa
phyl. Cordonia
subphyl. Vertebrata
cl. Mammalia
o. Cetacea
subo. Odontoceti
fam. Physeteridae
g. Physeter
Physeter megacephalus

Lives in: all seas except polar.
Color: dark gray to black, sometimes white as snow (remember Moby Dick?)
Length: 20-23 m
Teeth: 40-60
Head shape: 3x3x5 m hammer
Brain weight: 9 kg
Depth of diving: 3 km (1134 m proven - a sperm whale was found tied up by a submarine cable) Favourite food: cuttlefish and squid.

Why is it named 'Sperm' whale? Probably because of the pale white oily gelatinous stuff in the cavites of his big hammer-shaped head that some people think help him to use his natural sonar. Apparently it reminded someone of something else.

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