Hi there!

This stuff has been collected over some time and it is very probable that you've seen some of it before. I wish I wrote it, but I didn't -- people who deserve the credit for that are probably around here somewhere...thanks!
Microsoft Versions
The Secret of the DNA Finally Revealed
A very nice screen saver that scrolls your favourite jokes over the screen.You can make it read anything.txt !!!
If you get tired of jokes about blondes, here is my collection.
The Creator Moves in Misterious Ways
Jean-Paul Sartre's Cookbook
Drinker's Fault Finding Chart
Maritial Status Updates
HOME Don't install!!! -- An updated version of Maritial Status Updates :)
Various Top 10 Reasons
Are You a Good Lover
A Piece of Paper
Party Intensity Scale
A Story About THE Snow
English - The Way To GO...
The Worst School Essay Analogies Ever Written