Party Intensity Scale

Over the years, I have developed a scale of party enjoyment; it measures party intensity much the same as the Richter Scale measures earthquake intensity. The highest point on the Richter Scale is characterized by 'anything and everything is being violently thrown around in everywhich direction', which by chance is the same descriptor as the highest point on the Party Intensity Scale.

Intensity Characteristics

1. Invitees travel to your party by limousine. Early arrivals are playing snooker. People praise you on your fine lampshades.

2. Your driveway and front yard looks like an impound lot for abandoned cars. Early arrivals are searching for bedrooms that aren't already occupied. Latecomers park on your neighbours' lawns. A shortage of booze causes you to make an extra trip to the liquor store. Lamp shades are knocked on the floor.

3. Departing guests are not able to recognize which is their car, so they call for a cab, but are unable to remember their address for the cab driver. People are wearing your lampshades on their heads. Snooker balls are being juggled and tossed around. The cops arrive, but leave soon after since they cannot find anyone sober enough to show them who the homeowner is. The liquor store has barricaded its doors shut.

4. The two policemen who came by earlier are now holding beers, standing on the hood of the squad car, laughing wildly and throwing snooker balls at passing birds and aircraft. Since all the bathrooms are occupied, people are barfing on your lampshades. Your chandelier falls when eight people swing on it. Liquor store lays in ruins, and all inventory has pillaged.

The scale does go higher but they are too intense to measure, as no one can remember what happened at such a riotous party.Also, it is difficult to recover evidence from a site where a 5+ party has taken place.
HOME Heheheh...

... Wen In Dowt, Spell Fonetiklee