
Sankukai karate Sankukai is karate style which I train. I'm training for 3,5 years and I have blue belt. Sankukai is not only the martial art but also type of philosophy, which is based on 28 rules of wisdom. The sankukai club Forum where I train doesn't have its own page, but I linked icon to other source of information about Sankukai. Click on it and you'll see.

Bodybuilding Bodybuilding is second most important sport for me, becouse I have to strengt my muscles, to have stronger punch and to take hard punches of karate competitions. Building keeps you fit, strong amd in good shape. Click on icon to learn something more.

I'm very active person and I like many types of sport, specially extreme sports. Before karate I've played handball for 8 years and I was pretty good at it. I also like skiing, specially snowboarding, climbing, cycling and many other sports.

JCVD My idol is Jean Claude van Damme. Link to his unofficial page.

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