
I have many hobbies, but these listed below are most important:

Bonsai Bonsai is my favoite hobby. I started a year ago, so I'm beginner in this art. I've read many books, but I need more practical experience. I've to figure out by myself, becouse there are no bonsai clubs or sth. like that. In my country only few people realy master that art, but they are professional gardeners and for them bonsai is money.
Bonsai means for me relaxsation. When I concentrate on tree, I free my thoughts and time has no essence for me.
I have four bonsai trees 15 years old juniper (literati), 20 years old juniper(informal upright), 20 years old maple (semicascade) and 13 years old carmona (informal upright). Carmona was a gift, others I've colected in the nature.
I'd like to make contacts with all those who like bonsai art, to exchange our knowlege. So E-MAIL mail me.


Microsoft Computers and electronics are those hobbies, which are conected with my study. I study at Faculty of computer science. My specialization is computer logic (hardware) and systems. I'm also very interested in networking and communications (ATM and ISDN), specialiy with Internet/Intranet technologies and interconection between WIN NT and UNIX. I support Microsoft technology and I also study for MCP exams (WIN 95, WIN NT).


Nasa Flying, aeronautics and deep space traveling are dreams and hobbies since my childhood. I'd like to fly some day a shuttle or space ship and explore new space dimensions. So I started to think about time traveling (traveling with light speed) and about engines that would manage that. The page of that theme will be soon published, I'll also explain my hypertraveling theory.

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© Primoz Pecar