who am Iart & designmy sportsbeetle 1959back home
who am I
art & design
my sports
Volkswagen 1959
other stuff
who am I
Some things you needn't know about me, but you're free to check. You can either enjoy them or not - it's up to you! You should rather go to the pages below ...
art & design
The work that plays the biggest role in my life. I'm studying at the Faculty of architecture in Ljubljana - Slovenia; and graphics design is one of my favorite
my sports
This is what I do in my spare time: three sports - each one of them is a complete unionization between men and the nature. Hope you like them: mountain biking, climbing and snowboarding.
volkswagen 1959
It is a proud member of my family - VW Beetle 1959 export. My favorite pet - you must see it.
other stuff
Some stuff about the pages:
- designed for 800*600 resolution / 16 Mil. colors
- code page Win 1250
- best viewed with MS Internet Explorer 3.0 or Netscape 4.0
- my old pages here
- background music is "The One" by U2
- mail to: matej.kainz@kiss.muzej.si or kds@cybergal.com

who am I

art & design

my sports

volkswagen 1959
[ who am I | art & design | my sports | beetle '59 | back home ]
Last modified on July 12th, 1997
Copyrights (c) to Matej Kainz