Erik's F1GP page

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[Home] [Formula 1] [F1GP]

This is the page for all of you that love to play F1GP World circuit, that is in my opinion one of the best racing simulations on PC. Here you would find the links, where you can find improvements for F1GP, that will make the game interesting again.

In 1991 the Microprose  made formula 1 racing simulation named F1GP World circuit. The game was a success because it had good graphics and it was very playable. Since 1991 there were many changes in F1, so the game got old and Microprose promised the next edition of  F1GP - GP2, that would have even better graphics (textures) and it will take in consideration all the present rules of F1.

For all of those that because of nostalgia or money will not afford the newer version, there are programs that will make your F1GP contemporary again. You can find this programs Trevor Kellway’s Home Page and with them you will be able to:
    - change and add drivers and teams (F1Editor)
    - change colours of cars and helmets (F1Editor)
    - set the performance of  each car and driver (F1Editor)
    - set number and time of pit stops (CCPIT)
    - getting data about drive (GPpreff)
    - analysing data (GPA)
    - showing driver order between the race (Gpgap)
For all of you that even this is not enough take a look on Dave Gymer's F1GP/WC Home Page.
[Home] [Formula 1] [F1GP]

Author: Erik Zunec
All compliments and prepositions send to, the reprimands keep for yourself.

First made: 17th Juny 1996
Last updated: 17th Juny 1996

Note: This pages had been tested with Netscape 2.0

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