
After putting this page online, I received several e-mail messages suggesting that "rock is dead, rave is going to be the only music... etc.". Well, I do not want something like this to happen! And putting "The rave hate page" online was the least I could do against it! I'm tired of watching so many people who think the same doing nothing else but complaing to each other how bad it is and how bad will it get!

If you like this page, come again soon. If you don't, go away and don't ever come back. If you have anything to add to it, please email me at janez.pers@kiss.muzej.si with a subject "RAVE". Contributions in rave-hating text files, cartoons, pictures and anything else that can be put to this page are welcome. Come on and yell out what do you have to say!

Go back to the Rave hate page ...

Author of this page is aware of his not-so-good English. If you notice error or grammar mistake, please email me. Thanks.