Last update: 7.2.1998

I think you should first read my explanation WHY I decided to make this page...

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There were 45713visits to this page since 3.1.1997 when this page was honored as "Cruel site of the day".
And now the funny part (Yess!) - the word to the maintainer of the :

Your page is great! But, you're a moron. Just as David Hasselhof. If you would use your brain for anything else than surfing the web, you would know that suffix .SI means "Slovenia", not Germany! Yes, I am NOT German. Look at the map once in your lifetime - it helps. Or you can read my homepage. Or, even better, learn something new at the Slovenia homepage.


Rave ... one of the most stupid music styles ever. Well if we could call this idiotism a music ... With its monotonous rythm, stolen samples and home-made composers... Composers ? Well, have you asked yourself, why can just anybody become a rave "composer" ? Because there is no talent needed. You need just a few pieces of equipment and a bunch of fans who are stupid enough to adore the random sounds from your machine and will make you a rave star ...

Rave has poisoned the world of today's popular music . With its extreme violent approach and energy of stupid teenagers has put all other styles of popular music in a corner. Before rave came to this world, you could go to a disco club and enjoyed the music you wanted - there was enough choice for everyone. Do you remember these days ? Well, when DJ played some stuff like Kylie Minogue & Jason Donovan, rockers went to a beer and wait for a their portion of AC/DC ... And now ? All this is GONE! C

No Rave?

Although the current situation appears hopeless (with rave becoming second most popular "music" style among teenage Germans), there is a hope. Some so called "ravers" (people fanatically suporting rave) have shown signs of a slowly recovery. One such case is a person from slovenian cyberspace, whos name will not be mentioned here. There were recent reports about him listening to Metallica, after a long time of being "raver". Let us all hope that is a good sign, and that there will be more such cases. There is also the growing count of ravers dying of their favourite drug, ectasy, and let's hope that will ring a bell to many parents ... Let's hope, rave will die soon.

So, our motto should be:


Note to all ravers flaming me via email: YOU MAKE MY HEART SING!

Flames coming from rave community only convince me, that there IS a reason that this page stays online.

And there is an e-answer which I am sending to all flamers:

Well, there is music I like. And there is music I don't like, but I don't hate it. Well , rave belongs to the third category, i hate it. It's only style of music that has pushed all other styles off the scene. That's why I hate it. I don't like for example country, but I have never felt country was a threat to my way of enjoying music. That's why I just don't like It. I don't know what is situation where you are living , well, you should know that in Slovenia has rave and the commercial junk that came with it destroyed our music scene and night life. Four years ago, we could go out and enyoy AC/DC, Guns'n Roses, Nirvana ALONG with the Kylie Minogue, Jason Donovan and other cheap junk. It was something for everyone. Now, when I go to a some disco club, there is always some rave piece playing and if I ask DJ for something rock-like, I get the answer "sorry, I would love to, but boss will kill me, because those youngsters listen only this crap and they will complain..." Where is all the tolerance and love you ravers are preaching? I do not care for "raves", have them if you want, although I find them stupid. But STOP terorising us, who listen to something else than this awful "boink, boink, beeep, gzz " crap!

And now... finaly THE PICTURES!

What would you think if you would met someone going out to party in outfit like those guys below ? Don't they look stupid ?
picture 1 picture 2 picture 3 picture 4 picture 5 picture 6 picture 1 picture 2 picture 3 picture 4 picture 5 picture 6 picture 6
Click to previews above to see bigger pictures!

There have been  visits to this page since its creation 19.1.1996

This page is permanently

If you like this page, come again soon. If you don't, go away and don't ever come back. If you have anything to add to it, please email me at with a subject "RAVE". Please have in mind, that I get tons of email messages and therefore I am not able to answer all of them. Contributions in rave-hating text files, cartoons, pictures and anything else that can be put to this page are welcome. Come on and yell out what do you have to say!

If you don't have anything against putting your e-mail message to this page, please state that clearly at the end of your message.

Go back to my home page...

The author of this page is aware of his less-than-perfect English. If you notice an error or grammar mistake, please email me. Thanks.
[Anti Music: The Hate Ring.]
This Anti Music: The Hate Ring. site is owned by Janez Pers.
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