My life till now.

Has been a bit boring. And as far the future is concerned, it is all a big mystery to me, yet to be revealed.
I was born in June, 1973, if you really have to know. And I was told it was Monday. And then I slept a lot and did stuff like eating and excreting all unnecessary stuff. Then I soon wanted to know why 100x100 isn't one thousand. There were a lot of why this and why thats ever since. Most of which are still unanswered...
The school helped a bit...
And now I am trying to finish my veterinary medicine study at the University of Ljubljana. When will I make it? In autumn. THIS autumn, I hope.

So, I live in a small country called Slovenia. And I always forget how beautiful it is till I go abroad. East west, home's the know...
My village is called Smarje Sap and is about 15 kilometers south from Ljubljana, the capitol of Slovenia. Here we have a butcher, four shops and of course 6 pubs (which still lack my presence, since you can't dance there). Oh, and we also have a new school, the pride and joy of our local council.

HOME So, as you might have noticed, I like dancing, running downhill (a pity that I have to walk up hills first), I like dogs and cats and snow and see, am a bit afraid of horses, poisonous snakes, crocodiles and life in general, I hate wars, getting up in the middle of the night ( 2 to 8 am) and foot warts. And I enjoy a good joke when I hear one. Well, actually my boy-friend enjoys a good joke, too. Oh, all of my friends enjoy a good joke (when they hear one). Hm, it seems that everybody enjoys a good joke...???