...to all of my animals...

Almost everybody now days has a pet.
And every single pet deserves a special place in our memories.

They can't write their own stories, but I can.

My first cat Fana was a very clever siamese. She was always opening all of the doors and thus scaring my friends. And she just loved driving with the car. So, whenever we went on holiday, she would go with us and sit on the driver's chair behind his neck. But the worst thing she and her black daughter Mika have done, is that they had kittens on my pillow while I was sleeping. Ok, Fana was just offering Mika a bit of a experienced help with the job.FLOWER When I woke up in the morning there were two cats on my pillow and I wanted to pet them. Only then I felt something small crawling there...those cats....
And the funniest part is, that my friend from US told me just the same 'kittens on my pillow' story about his siamese cat!!!

Then there was Tara and her son Taro, who made people think twice, before walking near our house...

And then our first Labrador retriever Ago, who was almost the size of a great dane. His favourite hobby was getting away from our house, crossing the highway and visiting his female poodle friends in the village. And the postman always had to give him a newspaper, or else...and we had to get that newspaper from his mouth QUICK!

Missy And then Missy. Since my parents were really into Labradors from now on, we brought her from Denmark. Her real name is Dee-Fair Flying Mystic Mimosa, what was of course the main cause of amusement in my school. She was really in for the education, for she 'read' all of the books she could find in our living room (and there were plenty till she came). She loved running under the chair chasing and playing with cats and barking at mirrors. But as she grew up, she could no longer run under the chairs...
When she was about to have her first litter, we were of course making a big fuss about it and watched her every step. So she decided to go out (again). I left her there just to finish our lunch and then came to bring her in again. There was a strange whining coming from Ago's dog-house. I went to check it out and I have seen the poor Ago sitting as far away from Missy and her screaming pup as he could.That female stuff...

Shera/Lajka/Missy Then Missy had more pups. A black bitch Lajka for example. Unlike Missy Lajka does not trust people completely. Especially she doesn't trust people who are about 100 meters away from her. She just has to tell them: 'I'm the BIG BAD BOSS here (=wof wof wof grrr)....now pet me (a lot of tail waggling)!' But when at dog show or in the city she is the sweetest dog you can find...
Once my parents went for a holiday and I had a summer job. So I decided that since Lajka is not always so nice as Missy or Megy, she could watch the house as an addition to locking the door. So I locked her in and went to the job.
When I came back, she was waiting for me outside the house-- on the front stairs, as happy as a dog can be to see his long lost owner. But inside the house the real surprise was awaiting me. That darn bitch had eaten a very large pot of beans, leaving the pot on the stove and chewed a box of cocoa powder, spilling it all over the corridor. She opened the back yard door and left the house since there was obviously no more food available. I think I was very lucky that Missy hadn't taught her how to open the cupboards yet!
She was immediately fired as a watch dog and never got the job again.

Cat/Bird This cat was named Hamlet (since I considered the name Rosencrantz or Guildenstern was too long ), till she had her first litter. Since then she was only Maca. And no, she didn't eat that parrot...the poor Miha ran (flew) away on a fine spring day to meet his lady love from the other side of the window, what probably costed him his life. Perhaps because his love for the cat was left ufulfilled? He was nuts about that poor cat and never left her alone when she was in the room, so Maca had to hide under the bed.

Megy Megy is also Missy's daughter and as you can see a great friend of my cat's. She is not allowed on the bed otherwise, the rules were a bit bent then because she was carrying a lot of pups. Well, she doesn't mind people, it's only other dogs that give her trouble. She is really one scared dog when she meets new dogs and instead of leaving them alone she always tries to byte them-- so they wouldn't bite her first. A logical solution!?! On a dog show she had once bitten three of her pups, which were just trying to say: 'Hello you big dog there who looks like my mother used to!'

HOME CatThe cat is laying on the same bed now, just a bit more curled up. He's probably had a rough night (sleeping on our (warm) satellite reciver) and has to rest now. Well, at least I had a peaceful night without him making causing various noises, which mean that his food and water are no longer fresh or that se has some business to attend to outside my room/house. But he's the sweetest cat you could ever meet and we miss each other badly when parted for a longer time.