Oh ye webhiker, welcome to


Blackbeard's home page

are here

Surfer ahoy!

You have just stumbled over some strange address, full of kissesheart... Out here in the vastness of cyberspace a small homepage made by a certain guy from Slovenia has found its place. And if it were only Eddies in the cyberspace continuum that brought you here, please take a breather before you consult your Hitchhiker's Guide and see the whole page.

Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum!

So let's party!... Here I will tell you more about my hobbies (the title of the section not having much to do with them). I study chemistry gooie stuff from test tubeat the University of Ljubljana and I like it a lot. If you know any good chemistry sites, please let me clickmeknow. I also play a bit of table tennis, basketball, I ski... and I like science fiction and computer games. I guess I'll get over them in some distant future, but for now I'll just give in. See how I'm doing in the DOOM contest me and my friends are having.

Hoist the Jolly Roger!

There are some people I know on the net and here I will leave some comments about things we do. I would like you to visit their home pages or send them e-mail. Now for some slander. CyberBob Text Version (his nickname is even more original than mine) is a very funny crewmember. He has spent three days learning HTML to create his home page, then failed his anatomy test (again). If you want to create your home page, my advice is to get a HTML editor. Click here to find out more about the one I've been using (even if you don't like my page - it is very useful). On the other hand, CyberBob has helped me with my own page a bit, so those three days weren't a complete waste of time. If you would like to know more about my other friends, just click their signs.UndretakerFi (It doesn't work yet, because they haven't put up their home pages yet.)


picture of Jean-Luc Picard

Here are some of my favorite sites. There aren't many, because I haven't spent enough time on the net yet.


SoftShell chemical software

On-line chemistry



To je kratica za Slovenski Kriti~ni Ra~unalni~arji kolnEjo ~ez Telekom. A veste kak{na je razlika med Stalinom in Telekomovo linijo? Ni je! Oba sta mrtva, za ~asa svojega `ivljenja pa sta obirala ostale. ^e se {e kdo spomni kak{ne pametne, naj mi po{lje po{to (prek PTT).

Send comments and mail to Matija Crne

Last updated by Matija Crne on 30.1.96