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Manifesto for the

Digital Society

     The future is not something we travel to; IT'S SOMETHING WE BUILD. All of us. But at their party conferences, and in the coming election campain, our politicians will be trying to orchestrate that future, and getting it horribly, dangerously wrong.

   The digital revolution that is sweeping the world is actually a communications revolution which is transforming society. When used by people and communities who understand it, digital technology allows information to be transmitted and transmuted in fundamentally limitless ways. This ability is the basis of economic success around the world.

    But it offers more then that. It offers the priceless intangibles of friendship, community and understanding. It offers a new democracy dominated neither by vested interests of political parties nor the mob's baying howl. It can narrow the gap that separates capital from labour; it can deepen the bonds between the people and the planet.

    These truths are being embraced, regardless of politicalprattling, by a new, global generation. Any agenda for the future must understand and incorporate these truths.


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