This site offers a quick view on paintball in a small country in central Europe. If you wish to find out more email me or just visit us!


Paintball started in Slovenija in 1992. Its popularity is still rising but there are not many serious teams. The reason for this is the small size of country and it's market. That's why noone is willing to sponsor teams from Slovenija. It just doesn't pay off. Of course this does not mean that there is no good teams in my country. Some teams are very good and have some international reputation. Salamander is one of them.


There are about 20 paintball clubs in Slovenija. Considering that Slovenija is a bit smaller than Long Island USA, the number is quite high ( I bet the number of paintball clubs on Long Island is not that high ). Most of the teams is not well equipped or is not active, some clubs have merged into one good team etc. The following list contains only the few serious clubs with future:

Paintball Team Medvedi [Bears]

Andrej Verdnik

Grize 125

3302 Grize

Slovenija, Europe


Paintball Team Velenje


Paintball Team Skobec [Sparrow Hawk]


Paintball Team Gradisce


Paintball Team Slovenija


Paintball Team Salamander

Sergej Ivanus

Palmejeva 32

1113 Ljubljana

Slovenija, Europe

Tel: +386-61-437-767



Here is a short future prediction of what will happen with paintball in Slovenija. In fact, it is already happening… Only few teams will survive the high expenses and no sponsorship. The avarage profile of a current player in Slovenija is a medium rich to rich man with his own company. The second option is a poor student who spends all his money on paint instead on food (that's Salamander & Skobec profile). Regardless these few teams are/will be very good and experienced and will reach for the top in Europe.