My experience with BEST

What is BEST? The abbreviation stands for Board of European Students of Technology and the official definition of BEST is the following:

"BEST is a non-profitable, non-political organization of European students, whose philosophy is "to promote Europe among Europeans". BEST promotes and organizes exchanges, enables the flow of information, organizes educational and cultural activities for the European engineering students. BEST enables its members to work together on activities, to communicate through cultural barriers, to create a global-European spirit, made up of the different cultures - the BEST Spirit. BEST creates life-long links between the European youth. BEST is friendship, joy, enthusiasm, smiles and lots of unique moments. BEST is European way of life, it is European thinking, it is an opportunity for the European students to meet each other, to learn many new and interesting things and to have fun together."

Well, if you believe this definition or not, I have to tell you that BEST was one of the best things that ever happened to me in my entire life. And I firmly stand behind that opinion.

BEST Summer Courses are really one of the best things you can imagine and if you've absolutely no idea, what such a course is, try one of the following links.

My first Summer Course with BEST, completely unforgetable for me, was a Summer Course in Copenhagen in August 1995 with the title "Chaos and Fractals - Visualized Mathematics" and you can experience some of the nicest moments of it through this link.

And here we go from the cold north to the warm south... My second BEST Summer Course, which wouldn't happen to me if it wasn't for the first one, was a Summer Course in Napoli in September 1995, called "Methods and Practical Tools for the Improvement of Process Management", another unbelievably great event that could not possibly escape from the memory of all participants and organizers.

I had such a great time on those courses that I decided to join our Local BEST Group (LBG) in Ljubljana, BEST-LJUBLJANA, to help with the organisation of BESTactivities right here in my own home town. Which are those activities? In 1996 we organised a cultural exchange with the LBG of Barcelona and in the summer there were two Summer Courses here, one of them I was helping to organize.

My Summer Course took place from July 20th till August 3rd, 1996, with the title Beyond Understanding: Learning Natural Sciences Using Computers and here’s what we did: BU - off the record. I really had a time of my life!!!

And this year? We are going to be very logical... Try this for example: Ars logica - Ars vitae. So what do you think about joining us here?

You want to know more? Try a homepage of BEST-LJUBLJANA. And you are very welcome to join us!

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