Welcome to Urska Demsar's Homepage

Who am I and why I decided to make a homepage? You can find something about that here.

I am a member of BEST-LJUBLJANA. What is BEST? I won't tell you, just see for yourself and you'll find out that there are only the best people in BEST.

What do I like to do? That's a tough one. If I wrote just a simple list of the things I like, nobody would bother to look at that monstrously long page... Anyway, I've made a selection for you...

I've decided to give you a list of some friends that have cute homepages themselves. If you want to get to this list, send me a mail and I shall include you to it.

Well, that's about it. If you want to know more, write me to

Urska Demsar
Adamiceva 13
61000 Ljubljana

Or send me a mail to

k4fn0052@wet.kiss.muzej.si or urska.demsar@fmf.uni-lj.si

Last updated: January 17th, 1997.