Some Cool links

This is your STARTING POINT...

Search for some information in Slovenia. Search for information servers in Slovenia.

If you are searching something on FTP servers : FTP Search.

If you want to find out where the cheapest music CD´s are try : Bargain Finder Agent Prototype.

This page will help you if you are buying CD´s by mail : The Ultimate Music Store list.

Search and listen for some music. World Wide Music Lobby.

If you are interested in skiing conditons in Slovenia : Snow conditions.

Here is link to my friend Bostjan : All about space and astronomy.

Another friend - Matej : Matej Mirtic Homepage.

And another friend : Andrej Vuga Homepage.

Do you like watching TV over internet - here´s one for you Online TV.

For all fans of Monty Python.

Home of TEN - for all game fans.

Cheats for most of the games.

Map of city Ljubljana - Karta

And please come back because this page is still under construction