
Well, our kingdom in Slovenia is beautifull, but when it comes to computers, there is only one - PC. Yes, there is even one outlet that sells Mac software and hardware here and no official stores for Amiga. That means no hardware and no software, not even old and ugly games. We have to order everything from countries such as Germany and UK. It is very hard to promote Amiga in Slovenia, because even if we do, there is hardly a place one could get the machine except in adds of used hardware.

Very few Amigas live in Slovenia. In fact, so little of them that I will start to call them endangered Species. Well, here we have few hundreds A500, A1200 and about 40 A4000 at the most. Of course there weren't any magazines for Amiga at all, until Amiga Masters came along. They are true spirit warriors, which wants to keep Amiga users of our land together. PC peasants kill our Amiga people every day. Amiga Masters hope to spread the voice through the country that not everything is yet rulled by Sir Gates from Microland.

Few years ago there was a club for Amiga here, but lost the place, because the company renting it did not survive.

A few of us entusiastic users would like to change that place of Amiga in our land. One of the first steps is this home page, which we hope will become a great little place for visit. Amiga Masters still have many battles to fight for our freedom. But as history is always right, at the end, justice will win and PC peasonts will be forced to go away from our land.

As the kingdom of the only non profitable magazine for Amiga, we also ask all the software and hardware kingdoms for help. Please do send us some soft and hardware weapons for testing. We can not afford to buy every sword needed in this battle. Our kingdom may be small, but every Amiga user on the world is important for our future. Only united, we will winn. Please do not let us down.