
was born on 17 January, 1969 in our capital town Ljubljana. After 8 years of Primary School he spent 4 years at high school for Mathematics and Nature studies. He finished his studies with a degree in Psychology. He is currently trying to run a bussiness with DTP and Web designs.

His Computers

His first computer was an ZX Spectrum with whole 48Kb of memory. It was a king of it's times (like he is now of our kingdom). After Spectrum he owned an Amstrad CPC 6128 (well, he still has it). From 1986 he had an Amiga 500, but didn't use it much, because he had no hard disk and with Kickstart 1.3 he was much rather using his CPC for writing letters and seminars. He started using his Amiga in 1992, when he got A600 and a few months after an A1200 with a 30Mb hard disk. Since then, Amiga is for him the best computer. He never want to go to PC's, except at some week times, when he sees Phantasmagoria or similar adventure game on it, but it doesn't last long. After all, a game is a game, and he is doing most of his work using applications, not playing games.

His current setup

He finally sold his A1200, and now he owns an A4000/060 with 32Mb of memory and SCSI-II hard disk. He enjoys 17" Samsung monitor on his 2Mb CV64 card almost as much as the nice view from his castle.

His programs on Amiga:

Well, there is really not much at the moment, he is too busy with his kingdom. He did wrote an Arexx script for Final Writer, which includes many section and master page functions, but they are now present in the latest version of Final Writer, so the script will have to change soon. The name of the script is FWProfessionalScript20 and you can find it on Aminet kingdom.

What does he hate the most:

Most of all, he hates PC peasants running around just everywhere you go. He hopes that Amiga kingdoms all over the world will unite and wipe the PC peasants out of our land, air and see. That day is far, but we are training our men.

All royal blood family can send him e-mail by clicking