This is a magnified part of the Mandelbrot set.

Welcome to my homepage!

My name is Ziga Ramsak and I am a student at the Faculty for computer science.
I am interested in these things:
I have written some programs and they will be available for download soon:
Minesweeper for DOS, Fractal, the program for creating pictures like that on the top,
Piano for PC speaker and much more.
I am now working on the program that reads Spectrum tapes trough LPT port.

Here are two links with Spectrum software:
ZX Spectrum Software Museum
And everything you wanted to know about astronomy and more is here: NASA homepage.
Here is a link to my friend's homepage with his TreeDO program: TreeDO home.

Here will also be available some other stuff (3D to 2D transformations, low level graphics
programming, low level Spectrum, black holes and more).

This page is still under construction.
Updated: 5.6.1997.