Welcome to FDF's Top Secret Headquarters

Snails are slow, but hard to chew.

Welcome, virtual visitor of any species, to FDF's Top Secret Headquarters in the virtual world. This is where your virtual body will stay after your redeparture to the real world. I'm very sorry not to be able to meet you here, but why didn't you make an appointment? This is all my virtual answering machine can offer you at this moment:

George George
the Starfish Elephant 0.99 gamma
Links FDF's little collection
of WWW links
Multix II Multix II:
Revenge of the Squares 2.04
The Future The future
A short SF story
War in Space War in space 1.21
An addictive two player action game
No computer Why Some People
Shouldn't Have a Computer
Tank Kombat 3D Tank kombat 3D
A 3D artillery game
Bad English Home of Bad English
Laughably bad English texts
Worm says: DooM ! FDF's Doom levels
a simple DooM wad and a series of DoomII. DeathMatch wads
Sperm Whale Sperm Whale
The animal that can dive 3000 meters deep
Snail Educational games
Creating Educational Java Games
Keep the mouse pointer off my face! FDF
The author of this page

Don't understand what I'm saying? Try my less complex Home Page in Slovenian language.
Me ne razumete? Poglejte mojo precej skromnejso Domaco stran v slovenscini.

  1. This home page is most certainly not under construction, but is being updated and finetuned on a regular basis, so remember to visit it often.
  2. I am not responsible for any damage it makes to your or your computer's brain or any other part of your or your computer's body, not to mention your domestic animals.
  3. Use Netscape Navigator 3.0 or higher or be well prepared to face the consequences.
  4. Do not view this page in less than 16 bit palette or prepare to suffer the consequences.
  5. Set your browser to the width of 640 pixels or watch the graphics on this page go crazy.
  6. Do not spill any hot or cold liquid on your keyboard while looking at my home page, so you won't stay here untill the end of time.
  7. Do not let your cat play with your computer mouse while you are reading this unless you need a new computer (or a new cat).
    Don't panic!
  1. This home page, if used according to the design specifications, doesn't make any damage to the tropical rainforest or any other part of this planet.
  2. You cannot cause a disaster by looking at it unless you work in a nuclear powerplant (or pentagon).
  3. It doesn't make you fat unless you are preparing to hibernate.
  4. No crime is comitted by viewing it unless your mother in law is around and an axe is placed beside your computer.
  5. It won't mess up your hair, if you leave those powercords alone or if you are bold.
  6. There is absolutely no pollution here. Just some very little bugs, but don't worry, disinfection is performed every now and then.
  7. You won't get any sexual disease by looking at this home page, if that's all you're doing at the moment.

Netscape is Netscape.
Telekom Slovenije is a monopolistic $#/{#&@!
Free Telecommunications
Don't use!
Microsoft is micro && soft.

Number of empty bodies left on this page since 20th August 1996:


The latest virtual answering machine message has been recorded
on 3rd December 1998 (53rd major update)

Report bugs, beetles or any other insects, errors, misspellings and your positive (or negative) opinions and emotions to Marko.Kavcic@kiss.muzej.si. I promise I will fix anything that is in my power, including lobotomy for those few jerks, who think my home page exists only for their pleasure of critisizing.
Do NOT report any TV cameras recording every moment of your life, meteors, meteor showers, asteroids, comets or any similar space objects on the collision course with this planet, tornados, Godzilla's sex change operation, silver (or red) formulas in the pole position, sexual life of US or any other presidents, cloned domestic animals, aircraft into aircraft collisions high in the sky in the middle of nowhere, problems on the russian space station MIR, living dinosaurs on uncharted islands, psychic catchers of serial killers, resinking of a ship named Titanic, intelligent viruses, alien invasions, missing gorillas or any other pets, UFO sightings, gigantic mutant ants or other insects making war to the human race, selfaware artifficial intelligence, alien abductions, government conspiracies, runaway programs, green dogs of any color, scary nightmares, computer or other machine mutinies, bad weather, wild colors and especially problems with Microsoft software or hardware.
Created and maintained using various text and graphics editors under various operating systems on various computer systems in various mood at various time of day.
These pages are protected by a very powerfull computer genie, so don't mess with them in any way.

© Marko Kavcic 1996-1998

'Haha, I kill me' - Gordon Shumway - ALF