PULP Engine V6

    Pentium 133 or better,
    16 MB or more,
    VESA VBE 2.0 compliant graphics card with 2 Mb of RAM on board
    sound  card 100% compatible with Creative Labs Sound Blaster series (AWE 64),
    mouse compatible with Microsoft mouse

This engine works very nice, looks very good and it is a lot more sophisticated and much more optimized than  Engine V1.

There are several improvements:
- 800x600 with 256 colors (default, but can be any VESA mode with at least 2 pages)
- dynamic light system (lights from explosions, daylight-night settings...)
- live things now totally depend on AICBP (define person, animal, chopper, anything)
- smart objects (pickable, usable, solids...) can be converted now into new living thing
- new more powerful scripting language for personal AI (fuzzy, fuzzy)
- constant frame rate (that was a bitch to implement and not to interfere with AI)
- AICBP (R)(C) now learns on your behavior and interactions with other living things.

The Only Problem that we Now Encountered is that AICBP consumes so much memory, that grows above any size. (How To Decide what is Good and what is Bad  for survival ? and throw away Bad ? Can't bad things become a good one in certain situations ? Total suicide... :))