Pulp Engine V1
This engine was created with Borland C++, it includes 3D functions, but has a lack of output. The graphics library that was used is standard BGI graphics, so it means it is slow, very slow... Engine supports playing over Internet, with Pulp Java Console, but frame rate is about 2 frames per second and below, what makes engine unuseful. One big problem is also that one player can't play the game, because one of the players must run the net server and this mode is not interactive, sorry... Engine uses SoundMix Library v1.27 from Ethan Brodsky for mixing 8 simultaneous sounds, yet i changed it a bit so it now mixes 16 sounds, divided into 8 channels. The mixing rate had to be lowered to 11 kHz.  For source contact me, i will be glad to share it...
Sketch version .8
The game is a basic kill them all as fast as you can, or they'll kill you. It uses Pulp Engine V1 and it runs only in 640x480 with 16 colors. It has no set frame rate, so on fast computer e.g. Pentium Pro, it's speed is really dazzling, to much dazzling. At first it was black and white, only blood was red. Then I changed the looks, for one of my good friends suggested it and i thought why not. Because fights can get big, i mean really big (over 200 people), i included the REVIVE button, to initialize your person when dead. If some one get from start to the end with one life, i will give him a credit in the next version.
The game is very intensive and lots of work has been done on how computer players work, but still there are situations that are so stupid and can not be achieved with algorithms i used in Pulp. When Pulp Engine V6 is ready those thing will be of no importance...

 To download Sketch.Zip and its sound pack click here.

All downloads are currently disabled, since engine was constantly crashing  and could cause damage to your computer...
(has something to do with XMS allocation while caching frames, thank god (Microsoft) there is smartdrive )
It was a days ago, when i started to develop those things above, young and naive i was then... but things are getting better, i learned much and much more i will, and still i haven't lose my enthusiasm.
I started writing this game because of the war in Bosnia, that affected people down there, affected me and my friends and the people that are around. War is a bitch. Don't wish or make it happen.
Bizi (ideas, sounds, voices, and tolerance)
Cedo (voices and honesty)
Slavc (combat examples, tactical and warfare suggestions)
Dule (helping me finding the books about war in his library)
Primoz (his constant critics and a suggestion that we don't need a 3D world, just an isometric one)
 And many others...
First "game" wrote in 1990, 15 years i was then... funny how time goes by.