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Digital Vision DSP


Digital Vision DSP

Realtime software digital sound processor

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What is it:  

It is a REAL-TIME software "digital sound processor".
It can produce REAL-TIME echo effects, pitch changes, special effects.
You can use it on any outside source: CD-player, Line input, MIDI, Microphone,...
You can set the delay and repetition of echo.
You can set the pitch of a voice (sound).
You can set other special effects like noise, break, swap and balance.
You can additionally amplify source.
In short: It makes your computer act like an expensive HI-FI DSP component.

What is it not:  

You can't use it to add echo effect to sounds played by computer (e.g. wave files).
It is not a sound editor (e.g. Cool Edit).
It is not a real-time equalizer (at least not in this version).
It doesn't contain sound surround system.



Windows 95 or NT (tested on 4.0)
Sound card (ONE of these):
One STEREO, 16-BIT sound card capable of wave recording and wave playing at same time and at same frequency, MUST support FULL DUPLEX (e.g. SB16, SB32, AWE32,AWE64,...). Get new full duplex drivers from your sound card manufacturer's web-site.
two STEREO, 16-BIT sound cards capable of wave recording and wave playing at same frequency rate (never tested, but should work) 
at least fast 80486DX4 for use at 22 kHz
at least Cyrix 6x86 or Pentium for use at 44kHz
16 MB RAM recommended (tested on 16MB and 32MB)
VGA card  (recommended at least 800x600, LARGE FONTS, 65536 colors or more)
Sound source (at least ONE of these):
CD-ROM capable of playing music CDs connected to sound card
HI-FI device connected to sound card input channel(LineIn)
FM modulator/wave table on sound card (for playing MIDI files with echo)
Microphone connected to sound card.



NEW Pitch and Special engine! New features added to echo and amplify engine!
frequency rates up to 44kHz (or even 48kHz with custom setting)
latency (delay) time can be set to less than 1 sec on most computers / theoretical minimum of latency time in this program is 0.04 sec
memory consumption reduced even further
engines are more reliable
Sound spaces: Small Room, Big Room, Concert Hall, Church, Room 3D, Room 3D deep, Distortion, Distortion 2, Indian, Cicle, Spokesman, Darth Vader, Fat Man, Child, Bugs Bunny, Out of tune, Spaceman, Space pigs and Martians
devices test and autoconfiguration
Synchro and AutoSynchro feature
Save and AutoSave configuration
Priority Class of the program can be changed
SysTray icon can be switched off/on
more engines can be used at same time to get new effects
new look! program looks like HI-FI device
HELP implemented!
Install/Uninstall feature


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e-mail: damjan.vavpotic@kiss.muzej.si