Hi There!

My name is Nejc and this is the short, short version of my homepage.

I was born on May 16, 1975 in Ljubljana. I have been living in this lovely town ever since. Here is a photograph from '75, worth checking out!

You may have guessed from the picture, but in the case you haven't I am 5,9 and weigh 154 pounds. My hair is brown and my eyes are somewhere between blueish and greenish.

I gathered my first bits of knowledge at Joze Moskric Elementary School, then went to Gimnazija Bezigrad, and now I'm at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at University of Ljubljana.

My hobbies are mountain-biking, skiing and electronics.

You should take a look at my cat's page!

If you need more information, please contact me at: jernej.tomazevic@kiss.muzej.si

These pages are stationed at KISS!