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Klikni za slovensko verzijo...
My name is Andrej Vuga and I am from Slovenija.
Well, this was I 22 years ago...
Now I live in the village called Dobrovo which is situated in the landscape called Gorika Brda...
Well I live in one of the most sunny places in Slovenia. Here people grow fruit like cherries, peaches, plums, apricots and also mandarins. This landscape is also known for good sorts of wine produced in many wine cellars in the whole landscape.
Click here for some pictures of Gorika Brda...
I'm a student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Ljubljana so I spend a lot of time on studying and on attending lectures. However I have also a quite a lot of free time... I'm also a radioamateur and I enjoy reciving weather pictures from Meteosat and from polar satellittes (like Noaa&Meteor). My callsign is S57BVU.
Links to some interesting sites:
- Uros -he has quite finished his homepage...
- B&B -Branko&Boris... they don't have a home page yet but they know quite everything about computer games...
- Janez -my school-mate... his homepage has about 100 visitors per week...
- Bostjan -my room-mate... A great WINNT fan...
Want to contact me? No problem... That we use internet for, don't we?