Hey there!

OK, this is it folks. My page on the net (at last) ...

1. Something about me

I was... No I wasn't... - Or was I? How the hell should I know. I could have been, though... But on the second tought... Well, nevermind. And then some day, I went to... No, no, I take that back. I've never been there in my life. I swere! If I had been there, I wouldn't have met... She said... So I had no alternative, but to... I tried, I really tried... "No way", I said to... But hey, who the fuck is... So the time passed, and then I.......

Anyway, here I am now.

God, how I hate talking about myself...

2. What is this page all about

The only purpose of this page is to inform you about the things I want you to know and to annoy or amuse you (depends on your sense of humor). Everything else here has no purpose whatsoever. Of course, you can see my list of sites, which have lots of pictures of naked women. :-)

3. Links to people I know

Saso Fleiser

He said his page will be ready soon. I wouldn't rely on this, though. Anyway, many thanks for the scaning

David Kovic

The wild one. He shoots stuff...

Janez Pers

Try asking him something about OS/2 or Rave music.

Marko Puc

Tall one...

Urban Simcic

Do not ask him anything! If you already have, well live with it...

4. My E-Mail adresses

If you have something to say to me, you can contact me on one of these address:

5. Counters

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