jIRC v0.1.1

Last upload: 07-Aug-97

jIRC is an Internet Relay Chat client, written in JAVA(tm), which makes it easily portable to any platform that supports JAVA(tm). The only system requirement for jIRC is JDK or JRE v1.1.x or higher installed.
jIRC is trying (and will try even more in the future) to be a nice, user-friendly IRC client - a bit like mIRC perhaps, but much less bloated and strictly conforming to IRC protocol as described in RFC1459

This is a very early release (even naming it alpha seems a bit preposterous to me). It is available to the general public with the sole intent of gathering information about bugs and many features are still unimplemented (like DCC chat and CTCP commands).

Simply download whichever archive suits you better (Netscape user should remember to hold down the SHIFT key before clicking on the link): Then unpack the archives in a directory of your choice ('gunzip -c jIRC01.tgz | tar -xv' or 'unzip jIRC01.zip') and read README for further instructions.

Please report ANY bugs to jaka.mocnik@kiss.muzej.si. Other comments or suggestions are welcome as well.

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