"home, home again,
I like to be here when I can
When I come home, cold and tired,
It's good to smoke a joint beside the fire"

[IMAGE: My face !]

For those who give a shit about 
me, I made a quick link menu:
- My personal pages:

Amiga link page
Pink Floyd

- Computer related links:

Silicon Graphics

- Music related links:

Hi! Welcome to the

the homepage of David Nemec

Content of this document:

Who am I?

Well, for those who care, my name is David Nemec (also known as KroFF on IRC EfNet & UnderNet )
I was born on a stormy April night at 2:48AM back in '76 in Maribor, Slovenia.
..As you've guessed I'm 20 years old, and I should be in my second year at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University in Ljubljana right now, but since I didn't pass any exams, I had to leave that faculty.
Now I'm studying Marine Engineering at the Faculty of Maritime Studies in Portoroz, in Slovenia of course.

My Interests:

OK, now I'll give u a short list of things that I like and the things I hate...

I like:

  • Girls....especially natural blonds with green eyes :-)
  • My car ( Renault 5 )
  • My computer ( Amiga 4000/030,...)
  • Music ( Blues,Rock'n roll,Rock from the 60's & 70's )
  • A good Joint (..no comment...)
  • Acid (...JUST DO IT..)
  • IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
I hate:
  • Techno/rave music (..is this really music ? )
  • XTC,Red Bull, Dark Dog, Dynamite,.. ( if u wanna get high...use real drugs )
  • MicroSoft
  • Bill Gatez
  • MacInTRASH computers (...can u imagine a computer without a shell??)

...At the moment my only hobby is listening to Pink Floyd music and think about things they sing ...I really spend much of my free time lying on my bed thinking about that(while playing my guitar). ;)....and I'm not kidding..... there are some days that I listen to only one album 24h/day.

..the time that I'm not thinking..I play basketball...or just watch the TV ;) ...of course I also take some time for studying...

Normally my friends and I go out on friday and saturday nights....chasing girls and getting drunk in local pubs....with some grass'n shit. :-)

How can You contact me?

If you have any suggestions,comments, ideas,... or want to get to know me better, then send me an e-mail at:


or...You can drop me a visit (if you come to Slovenia) on the following address:

David Nemec
Ukmarjeva 22
6320 Portoroz
tel/fax: +386 66 771002

Shine On! You Crazy Diamond

This page is dedicated to Syd Barrett

(c) 1996 David Nemec