Jiva108 Homepage

There has been a lot of discussions last 14 days on USENET in conferences like on alt.punk.straight-edge and on IRC on #sXe channel. We talked about the matter like if sex is straight-edge or not and if it is beneficial for human being at all. And the discussion became a kind of speculation, when I said, that sex isn't good, unless it isn't for children. And that preserving the semen, increases one's vitality. So, this homepage is a kind of answer on all the questions and facts beyond shimmering and glimmering of sexual illusions. So follow up:

Book with facts on Sex continence

Also, we discussed if Jesus Christ was vegetarian. Since people live in quite ignorance regarding that, I have decided to publish the whole book, that was written by Satyaraja dasa, who just gethered the facts together and published the book. Since scans go pretty slow and there should be also spelling check done, there is only the chapter about meat-eating, but others are about to come.

You mean that's in the Bible?

Hot Links

Hare Krishna homepage
Krishnacore Homepage (this is the work, on which I have been doing. It is still under construction.)

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at boris.laharnar@kiss.muzej.si