These are pictures of my friends and me.
Click on the picture to see it in a larger format (the size is shown on the left)
March, 1992
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In a forest with mountain bikes, with my friend Kostja after he badly needed to rest.
April, 1992
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Girls, fast cars, whiskey....where have all these things gone ;) ? On the picture my friend Aljosa (he's married now) with a bottle. I'm with my ex-...-ex girlfriend Natasa.
June, 1993
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This is a result of what happens if you think that you can drive a rally. Jadran is not laughing and it is thanks to the tree that we are still alive.
January, 1994
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This is my cousin when she was 5 months old.
Hi, Nina!
June, 1994
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This is me as a soldier. Mico and Kostja visited me. As you can see, joining the army makes you taller.
July, 1994
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This is what happened after the formal closure of the famous "Opajske igre 94" (Games of Opatje selo village). Some pople were there to win a medal or two, other just to drink.
March, 1995
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This is my class. Our motto is: "Mi se ne umikamo, razen tovarsici!" When you are drunk you just can't stop saying that, although it has nothing to do with the alcohol.
July, 1995
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Gardaland, Italy, with my friend David from Italy.
August, 1995
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Soca is a very beautiful river. On the picture: Mozo, Mico, me, David and Davorin.
September, 1995
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This is the celebration of the 10th emission of the notorious TV-show "Na podstresju". These are the protagonists: Tamara, me, Mico, Masa and David.The show was abolished soon after this "success".
October, 1995
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This is the studio of Radio Robin from Nova Gorica where David and I used to conduct a crazy programme called "Koticek casopisa OKO". On the picture is "Miss Nova Gorica 95" Kerstin. It was nice - after the interview.
February, 1996
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Mico is a Viking...ok. I'm a blonde devil...ok. But what the hell is Andrej???
OK,OK, he is a blue cloud. (That's what he said later!)
