You have entered.... GND's Page
"So many assholes, so few bullets" Ford Fairlane
I'm Jure, a.k.a. "GND" and you are on my turf now.

These pages use some Netscape HTML extensions, purists may find this annoying but, unfortunately, I don't give a shit. So what if I discriminate the poor suckers who still use Mosaic (or god forbid IE) ... oh well, if u really are, do yourself a favor, get Netscape anyway.

Me Curious about me ?
LiNkS You didn't just come here for the links did you ?
LiNkS Page about Phish, the greatest band in the whole wide world !
aBouT About these pages
email Yeah, send some email!
Last modified: 19.Jul.191997
You are visitor number 1697 since February 7th 1997.