This way to University of Ljubljana

As I have mentioned, I am a student of Faculty of Economics of Ljubljana, which is a member of University of Ljubljana (Uni-Lj). Uni-Lj is a very large educational institution, since it comprises over 30000 students from Slovenia and some foreign students as well. That puts it among larger universities in Europe, even though Slovenia is a small country with only app.2 million citizens.

University of Ljubljana has its'own homepage if you wish to view it.

Faculty of Economics also has its'own homepage.

Here is a path to a list of other faculties that comprise our university.

Here is a list of some of the professors and assistents of Economics Faculty that have their own homepages. Take a look! Professors are human, too! :)

Here is something students of Economics Faculty will appreciate most: lecture schedule! For 2.year students of "Visoka poslovna sola" only! Under construction!!!

News and gossip around Faculty of Economics!
There are some incredible hot sites provided by our dear EF! :)

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This page was last revised on 24.7.1996.