Star Trek : The Next Generation

NCC 1701-A

Space. The final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its' continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no-one has gone before.

I've been a trekkie for quite some time now, learning a few quotations, dreaming of travelling with warp speed and engaging the engines myself hearing Capt.Jean-Luc Picard saying: "Engage!" :) I guess Star Trek quenches our thirst for vast knowledge, endless exploration and going where no man or no-one has gone before. To tell you the truth, I never got "into" Capt.Kirk and Mr.Spock, nor into Deep Space Nine or Voyager. Next Generation has a life of itself, I guess and every episode was an event for itself. Only trekkies know what I mean. If only the future brought us where NCC 1701-D has gone...

This is a site for all you trekkies who can't find any usable trekker sites. Most of them are listed below!

You are trekkie visitor the counter is broken...just like the old NCC 1701-A you can see at the top of the page...:) Did I fool you or what :)

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This page was last revised on 24.7.1996.