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Do you really wish to enter the purgatory? As you wish...but expect some critters like these to crawl down your spine..hahahahaha!

Spider image!

Or one of these may be staking his!

Vulture pic!

OK, OK, I know what you want..some embarrasing pictures of me, am I right? :) Well, if you want them, I guess I'll have to give them to's one at the age of 4. Is the guy on the picture cute or what? Just kidding...then there's one from the valley of Trenta, when I was about 8 or 9. This one really looks nasty: the picture has been taken at the waterfall Savica, and my brother in the middle looks like one of those creatures from the black lagoon or that have starred in the X-Files! :) The next 2 piccies are from my Prom in 1995, "Maturantski ples" in Slovene...I look really happy in this one...guess why! :) Ahm, I'm really embarrased to show this one..but what can I do...I'm DRUNK in this one! And the newest is the one from Catez in February 1996...some of the gals are missing, but the picture would just get too I'm the one with dark glasses since NO-ONE so far has been able to recognize me...shame on you! And last but not least...I am extremely anti-photogenic and by extreme I mean EXTREME...if you judge me by these pictures, you'll be sorry...

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This page was last revised on 20.8.1996.