My music page

Everybody like music, it's just the question of which music one likes most. My premium one is definitely rock. It doesn't matter - hard, soft, medium, pop, I like'em all. But then again, if I only liked rock, that would be too narrow, that's why I also like metal (not all kinds of it), grunge, classics, ballads and many more types, like Jean-Michel Jarre's. But I hate modern music like techno, rave, rap, soul (soul without soul, I call it), some kinds of alternative stuff and beef music. :) (literal translation)

I am afraid I cannot play any instrument nor can I sing. I used to sing, though, as a kid, but that was ages ago and I was no Pavarotti! :) But, everyone can contribute to music world, that's why I write poems. I do not know whether they could be put into music, but I dare you all to try. If you wish to see some of my poems, just e-mail me!

Here are some of my favorite musicians if you wish to view some sites of theirs: U2, Metallica, Whitesnake, Billy Idol, Bruce Springsteen, Michael Jackson, Jean-Michel Jarre...

Are you interested in acquiring lyrics for your favorite songs? Well, try these sites:

Playing an instrument and wish to get some acords? Well, I got these sites just 4 u:

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This page was lasst revised on 20.7.1996