IRC pages


So, you have decided to take a peek inside. :) Do you know what IRC is all about? Even if you think you do, please read these lines. IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat, it's a service that provides chat and gossping on-line. You can talk live with people all across known universe (it's not that big, is it?) asking, answering and getting to know people. Unfortunately, IRC is often abused by people who only take it for their personal pleasure, disturbing and flooding other users. I have experienced several cases myself, but luckily there are many who know what IRC is all about: getting new friends, falling in IRC-love, acquiring information and other resourceful and fun things. It's all about empathy, so please be considerate to others and you will have many friends and many happy years in the world of IRC! :)

I won't discuss how to access IRC or how to behave. Most of you already know that and those who don't ask your local Internet provider or e-mail me. I enjoy helping people, so don't be afraid! :) You can gather some information, get to know IRC users or even apply for a registration as an IRC user at Uni-Mb site! You will also wish to visit the site at ARNES.

Here are some hot spots on IRC for you to visit:

Here are some of my friends you can find frequently on IRC:

And who am I on IRC? My nickname is Arnieman, luckily no one else has decided to use that nickname, so if there is an Arnieman on the channel (or off it), that's me! :)
Everyone knows that IRC can be a good cover for a character. You can be whatever you wish to be, but I wouldn't advise that. I'm not. At least, I try not to hide my true nature.

Just a small advice at the end: don't consider IRC and their users too personal and don't get involved in relationships with them until you are absolutely certain it will come out alright. I got burned a few times myself...:)

And now...for all those who have visited my page, here is a gift for you...unique and one and only mIRC everything-page!!! You can find absolutely EVERYTHING for mIRC here! Enjoy! :)

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This page was last revised on 20.8.1996.