My friends on Inet

One can acquire many friends on Inet via IRC, mail or joint ventures :). We are known as Cyber-people or Cyber-friends. Some of us even call themselves Cyberpunkers. It's not in the name, it's in the spiritualistical-electronical-computerized bonding of people hanging around on computers with nothing better to do...:) You may join us if you wish. Internet is here for gaining knowledge, getting new friends and, yes, manipulation. But, we all hope that's not going to happen too often.

Where did I get to know people?
Via IRC, email and because of the mutual help with problems, sometimes I help others and sometimes others help me. It's so easy!

Can you be my friend?
Sure, just fill in this application...:) Joking! :) Anytime, just contact me!

And here we go...these are some of my friends on Inet, others to come...

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This page was last revised on 20.8.1996.