to Home Page of Marko Anzic

Under onstruction!

Who am I?
As you have probably already guessed, my name is Marko Anzic. I am currently a student of Faculty of Economics, which makes a part of University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. If you are interested in my background, go ahead!

What do I look like?
Well, you will have to wait for your answer to that question, since I still have no scanned picture of myself. If you already know me, you won't have to worry about that, though. :)

Here's a true story of me, yet untold, now to unfold...:)
It all started on 13th of July in 1976 in the city of approximately 10.20am, there was a shout from the maternity...I was born! Then nothing happened for a few years except me growing up fast learning to use my brain cells and fists. I have lived in my native town, Zagorje ob Savi, for nearly all my life. I have flown through the local elementary school heading towards a higher step: the Gymnasium in Trbovlje (High-School in U.S.). That one was a bit trickier, but I guess I came through...only to face a greater danger: the university!...and now here I am, getting 20, pushing 30. :)

What do I like?
I like computers, obviously, all kinds of sports, philosophy, psychology, sociology, movies, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Star Trek: The Next Generation, cartoons, good old rock music like Whitesnake and Billy Idol, corresponding, learning and eating meat. I love Shakespeare (though I don't read much) and write poetry myself, but in English only. And I'm absolutely nuts about IRC, you can find me there lots of times. Just ask for Arnieman! :)


Here are some of the links of mine to more specific information about certain things (getting too complicated? :) ) (under construction)


My Internet exploration (of space :) ) began on a computer called VAX, also known as UEK computer maintained by RCU. Care to see how it works? Click here.

Computer logs indicate that you are life-form number to beam aboard this home page since 13.7.1996.

If you wish to comment on this home page, wish to contact me or have a question or two, you can mail me anytime. I'm afraid I don't plan a Slovene version of my home page, so if you can't speak English very well, well, now's the time to learn it! :) I hope you liked this home page since I wanted to make it as good as possible. I try for myself AND you! :)

Garfield pic here...Here is my e-mail address:

And my snail mail address if you wish to get personal :) :
Marko Anzic
Cesta zmage 18
1410 Zagorje ob Savi
Slovenia SI
Phone: +386 (0)601-62-011


Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem.

Keep on browsing!
Marko Anzic


Final words go to Daniel Jurman for his patience and support. Without him these pages would hardly be made available to public. Thanks, Danny-1! :)

Copyright © 1996 Marko Anzic. All rights reserved.

This page was last revised on 20.8.1996.