CyberBob: about ME!!! Hard to write of myself. And i don't think you'd believe me, so i asked other people to write of me. Btw, if you'd like to see a picture of me, click here.
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This will take you to my hobbies.

When I was young, I met that guy, whose name is CyberBob. when I hear that name, it reminds me of a TV series Black Adder. His similarity with abilities of the main actor of this series is just coincidental :).

Igor Rozman
My brother is the best brother you can imagine. He's the weirdest creature in the whole universe. He is into skulls, computers, hats and everything crazy you can think of. He has this sarcastic sense of humor and high level of intelligence. I think I said too much. Cyber? Is this enough? Will you now go instead of me to the shop?

My thoughts about Cyberbob are not easily put into words. So as not to embarrass him I will not tell you how very sweet he is, nor will I comment on his wonderful sense of humor. I would not dare metion that in my opinion, he is PERFECT. You will have to find this all out for yourself...
