Homepage of Lukovica

Our village is very young since first house was built in 1960s. There are about 50 houses in it and about 200 people living here. It is located about 10 km out of Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. It is on the right hand side of Trzaska cesta, just after Brezovica pri Ljubljani.

Computering in Lukovica

In 1984 first computers in Lukovica were ZX Spectrum 48, and later Commodore 64 appeared. We (kids then) were playing games, however very soon we got an idea of connecting our computers together. In 1990s we switched to PCs, yet the idea of a net still lives, although everyone has access to internet. In the year 1997 Lukovica NET seems closer. At the beggining 4 computers at 3 neighbours will be connected via Ethernet, later on other neighbours could freely join in. If the number of computers on the NET is big enough to reduce the price of a leased line, we will open a permanent access to internet.

Air taken photo of Lukovica following soon!!

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