About the author of the page


- general

I was born on December, 8th 1977 in Trbovlje. That means I'm almoust 20 years old. I live in Zagorje ob Savi, which is a small town in the center of Slovenia, about 60 kilometers from our capital city Ljubljana.

- school & study

I am a regular student at Faculty for Computer and Information Science in Ljubljana. I' ve just finished 1st study year and I'm continuing the study for Computer Scientist in the 2nd year.

Before the Faculty I've finished Primary School in Zagorje. After primary school I continued studying in Secondary School for Computer Engineering ( SŠER ) in Ljubljana where I have got the title Computer Technician. After Matura, which I deegred with the mark B, I signed up for University. Here is my seminary work for Matura exam, which isn't perfect and can be much improved, but good for the start. NOTTES in Delphi

- family

I still live in Zagorje with my parents ( Mojca and Mile ) and my dearest sister Urska. She just started studying in secondary school - Grammar School Poljane in Ljubljana. That means we both travel to Ljubljana by train every day. I still have two grandparents, grandma' Zora (mother's mother) and grandpa' Milorad - dedi (father's father). I have a few cousins. They are Igor and Natasa (their parents are Igor, my uncle, and Jana), Bojana (her parents are Andreja, my aunt, and Eco) who all live in Hrastnik, and Maja (her parents are Brane - Dando, my uncle and Ivana), who now mostly lives in Ljubljana. She works at Moderna, which is very famous by KOSMODISK and TV shop. She is quite a bussines-woman and travels a lot, but she manages to visit us on weekends.

- friend & hobbies

What you must have noticed in opening page, I looove Basketball, specially the NBA and the Bulls. I love playing basketball with my friends in Zagorje in Polje Arena, behind the Petrol station for those, who know, where it is. We play almoust every day in every weather. The Polje Dream Team is:

- Matjaz Manfredo - FREDY, irc: FREDY

- Marko Praznik - KILCA, for irc fans El_Jefe or Notorius B.I.G.

- Tomaz Jamzek - HEKER , irc: jamchi

- Klemen Kalsek - KEMA

- Uros Spehar - SPEHI or JoJo

and myself Miha Gruden - GRUD'N, irc: MJ23


Beside the ball I also love cycling, which I do a lot with my best friend Matjaz Manfredo-FREDY. We've been to almoust all the hills around our valley, and we loved and enjoyed every one of them.

When the night comes, we gather in our favourit bar SALOON in the center of Zagorje, where every friday, they make a party, with low price drinks and so on ... This Friday's Saloon Party. We would love more of you would come. Sometimes after a drink or two we go to club Mesečina, which is in the subborbs of our town.There we have a great time, with good music by DJ Dadi, and dancing with the girls.

I specially love dancing with my girlfriend Nataša, which I do love very much.She also comes from Zagorje. In times to come I hope I will be able to show you her picture.


I hope I've said enough. If you want to hear more about me & Co. mail me or visit us in our IRC channel Orlek every night.




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