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Available in Slovenian - Dostopno tudi v slovenskem jeziku

Primoz Skulj

Who am I?

Yeah. That's a good question.

I was born many, many years ago (1972). I have always lived in Ljubljana and I like my hometown very much.

As everybody else, I never liked school and as a am not an early bird, I was always late. In school days I spent many hours hanging around in places near the Bezigrad High School. I was in the first generation that was supposed to have graduation exams after many years of so called directed education. Nobody liked the idea so we striked (it was a beautiful spring that year) and we won.

Then we ( the Slovenians ) had a war (we won that one to) and from that time on I live in a new-born country - Slovenia.

I am a student at University of Ljubljana. I have been studying chemistry. I sincerely hope I will graduate before summer.

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What do I do?

Do You know what students' life is all about?

I am a member of BEST . I meet quite a lot of nice people there. We are working on whole bunch of things together, perhaps the one I am especialy looking for is: summer course Beyond Understanding.

I like to play cards. Believe me, there was more than one night, when there was too much wine, and too much song.

And of course I love to travel. Here are some pictures:

party travel me

When one travels, only then perhaps one realizes, how beautiful is the homeland. Especially the Slovenian mountains.

Always when I had returned from a journey there was some paper money left in my pockets. That's how my collection started.

picture of banknote picture of banknote

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