Slovenian Geological Society (SGD)

Palaeontological Institute ZRC-SAZU (Slovene Academy of Science and Art)

Geophysical Survey of Slovenija


USGS - Earth & Environmental Resources on the Internet

CERN's WWW Virtual Library - Earth Sciences

Illinois State Geological Survey

Online Resources for Earth Scientists (ORES)

Yahoo! - Earth Sciences Resources

Univ. of California Berkeley Library - Earth Sciences

Stanford Univ. - Introductory Geoscience Resources

Penn State Earth System Science Center

Univ. of Geneva - Department of Geology

Univ. of Aberdeen - Earth Sciences Resources

Univ. of Stuttgart - Institute of Geology and Palaeontology

Geology Resources on the Internet

Geologycal Timescale

California Division of Mines & Geology

Mining, geoexploration and geoscience

Major Earth Science Resources


Pictures of minerals with descriptions....

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