Modelling experiences

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Modelling experiance
You have probably seen the models that are more or less accurate copies of original and you have probably already try to put one of those models together and recognise, that for natural look of model you need good tools, a lot of knowledge and experience, especially when you come to the colouring.

For more efficient and better colouring you have probably bought "airbrush", but you have to know, that for the colouring with airbrush you need a lot of experience otherwise you will destroy a model. Beside colouring there are other problems like trouble with glue where you do not want it. Between things that are causing trouble is bad quality of kits, therefore you must be very careful choosing the best manufacturer, because there are many differences in quality (errors in manufacturing), therefore you can have a great problem choosing the products of lower quality (I speak from my own experiences).

This page depends on your contributions of questions and answers in relation with assembling models. Questions and answers will be published onModels FAQ.

If you're interested what kind of models you can buy, look on and Hiroyuki Tanoue's Homepage.

In near future I will publish the articles abour coloring models and about tools for making models from Avto in Sport.

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Author: Erik Zunec
All compliments, prepositions, questions and answers send to, the reprimands keep for yourself.

First made: 17th Juny 1996
Last updated: 17th Juny 1996

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