Welcome to Janez's Home Page


Bujta repa!

Who am I ?

Well, my name is Janez Pers. I am a student of a Faculty of Electrical Engineering (did I hear "Huh, not another one ..."?) in Ljubljana, Slovenia. I was born on the October the 1st, 1974 in Murska Sobota. How do I look like? Well, there is a picture above. Anything else ? Except in a winter I wear a black leather jacket (no, there are no shining metal pieces on it) and black jeans (Levi's rules!). I like beer, especially Fosters and Guinness, but I will also be satisfied with our local Lasko beer or Coca-Cola.

I came to University from Gimnazija Murska Sobota three years ago. Look at their home page, they are fanatics. From Java to VRML, they have it.

My interests?

Well, as you probably figured out, I have a computer, a modem, and access to Internet via KISS, a local Internet provider for students of University of Ljubljana. (No, wet.kiss is NOT some cybersex provider, in case you get my mail from that machine!) My main hobby is not pure programming, I'm more interested in developing algorithms for signal processing and data compression. I am also interested in digital video and digital multi-image processing (what a word!), I have a M-JPEG capture board and I am currently working on a object tracing algorithm, which seems to start working :)

My next interest is writing and discussing various topics in conferences of Ines and Web, two of our Slovenian subnets of FidoNet, the world wide amateur network.

And my final interest is study; I find it interesting, unlike the most students of this faculty...

My free time?

Well, I don't have a plenty of it, but when I have it, I like to go to the cinema (who doesn't ?), I like to just go out and drink with my friends and colleagues. :) ... There was a time when we were going out to the local disco clubs, but since I hate rave, TakeThat and other junk that is currently being played there, we stopped with it. I like to listen to the music, especially rock. A few years ago I listened to Guns and Roses, now I listen to Offspring (by the way, they are one of the greatest bands that I've heard for the last two years). I like Metallica too. And "Smells like teen spirit " and "Lithium" from Nirvana. Other their tracks are junk. When I really have a lot of spare time, I spend it on IRC, mostly on channel #prekmurje. And, I enjoy partying. See the pics from the best student party in Ljubljana, Bujta repa.

And now, some of my subpages:

Most people on the web make web pages about the things they like. So there we have Internet full of homepages about Alicia Silverstone, Sharon Stone ...

I decided to make a few pages about the things I really hate and to express my opinion. I think, I am not the only one who thinks this way ... If you have anything to contribute to this pages, you are welcome. These pages are not for taking up the disk space, they are for people who feel the same and want to yell it out.

International hate pages:

The Rave hate page - all about hating this awful, boring, stupid music.


Local hate pages: (in Slovene)

The "zgoscenka" hate page - for all who hate this stupid translation and are against the "redefining the Slovene language"

The slovene popular music hate page - do you know who are Jan Plestenjak, Helena Blagne, Pop Design, Cuki and other slimy bands and performers who make most of the normal people sick ? (NOT AVAILABLE YET)


And here are links to homepages of some of my friends and colleagues:

Aljaz Noe

Marko Puc

David Kovic

Damir Cifer

And here you can continue your netsurfing - with Yahoo!

Type in desired keywords and click search.

This page was made and written by me, Janez Pers. It expresses purely my opinions and has no connections with the persons, groups or companies mentioned above.

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 Send your comments to folowing email adress: janez.pers@kiss.muzej.si. Send your flames to /dev/null.

The author of this page is aware of his less-than-perfect English. If you notice an error or grammar mistake, please email me. Thanks. .