Alexious as Ham Operator

Yes, I became a ham operator on 14thof April, 1994. My CallSign is S56LRA. I am currently exploring only USW frequencies, but already got interested in more distanced places. So I thought the solution is higher Ham-Class. In other words I am just visiting lessons for second class. With second class I have a possibility to work on SW frequencies (read: reach USA easily). The exam by itself is coming here in the middle of February. I'll let you know about the scores. At the moment I still have some problems with Morse Code receiving, but till the February everything should be O.K.
3.1.96': The exam is put off.
21.3.96': I missed the exam, learning and so... ;) I'm looking for alternate term now.

And here is the explanation of First, Second and the Third Ham Class in Slovenia.

First class is the same as Extra Class in USA. All frequencies, all bands, all modes, maximal power 1500W.
Second class is similar to Novice&Technician Class in USA. Some parts of HF (80m, 15m and 10m) and all of VHF and higher with maximal power 250W on HF.
Third class can work only on VHF and higher, no Morse code, maximal power is 25W.

Here you have a frequency chart for each class.

Here is some of Equipment we (Ham-ppl) use:
Kenwood TH79-A. Hand Transceiver - Dual Bander (26.3 KB)
Kenwood TS-50S. Mobile Transceiver (38.5KB)
Kenwood TS-870. All mode tribander. Not out yet. (61.9KB)

And this is a stereotype of Ham working room. (21.7KB)
And here you can read some Ham comics. (131KB)

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