A year ago on vacation in Bohinj. On my right you can see my best friend, my dog Saga, aged year and a half now. She is Flat Coated Retreiver.

...and here I am celabrating my birthday with my best friend Muri.

My first birthday. If you have only seen this photographer you'd have even worse look on your face than me.

My second birthday. At the age of two people began to say "This man will be a politic leader one day..." You have to agree when you see this photo. ;)))

My sixth birthday. The one on my left is my brother. He's a real wanhope.

My twelveth birthday. You notice something new? Yeah, new haircut... it was about time... ;)

Oh, shut up lady... What do *you* know 'bout computers?? btw: this is my first computer, Amiga 500. It is still dusting somewhere under my bed... for 400DM it's all yours.

Disclaimer: Other birthdays are censored. Especially ones above 18 years.